Player Info

1. Player List page

Clicking the "Players" button in the menu brings up the Player List page. The Player List page shows all the Players you've added.

You can filter the Player List by entering a search term in the search box, and sort the list by clicking on a column header.

Note: search terms are used to search on ALL info about the Players, not just the First Name, Last Name, and Email values that are shown on the page.

Note: a Player is automatically created for you when you Register, and that Player is associated with your user accocunt (if you didn't enter a First Name when registering, your Username is used as the First Name for the Player, but you can change it.)

2. Add Player page

To create a new Player, click the "Add Player" button on the Player List page.

On the Add Player page, the First Name field is required, but all other fields are optional.

If an Email is entered for the Player, then the Scorecard will be emailed to the Player when the "Email Scorecard" button is clicked on the Scorecard page.

The "Handicap(s) Used" dropdown allows you to select whether to calculate a USGA Handicap for the Player. The options are 18 Hole Handicap, 9 Hole Handicap, or Both. If the "Both" option is chosen, then the player will have separate Handicaps calculated for his/her 18 Hole and 9 Hole rounds. If the 18 Hole option is chosen, then the player's 9 Hole rounds will be combined into 18 Hole rounds when calculating the 18 Hole Handicap. If the 9 Hole option is chosen, then the player's 18 Hole rounds will be broken into two 9 Hole rounds when calculating the 9 Hole Handicap.

Your new Player can be associated with a Real Golf Scorecard user account. When you later add that Player to a Round, this association will allow that user to also enter scores for the Round on the Scorecard.

Note: If a username does not appear in the list of users to associate with a Player, it is probably because the user did not check the box on the Register page to allow their account to be shown in user lists. If the box was not checked when Registering, this box can be checked on the Update Account page, which can be accessed by clicking your user name in the menu.

3. Edit Player page

To edit an existing Player, click on the Player item on the Player List page.

On the Edit Player page, the First Name field is required, but all other fields are optional.

If an Email is entered for the Player, then the Scorecard will be emailed to the Player when the "Email Scorecard" button is clicked on the Scorecard page.

The "Handicap(s) Used" dropdown allows you to select whether to calculate a USGA Handicap for the Player. The options are 18 Hole Handicap, 9 Hole Handicap, or Both.

The "Calc Handicap(s)" button at the bottom of the page will recalculate the Handicap(s) for the player, and display the new values in the "Handicap Index - 18 Hole" and/or "Handicap Index - 9 Hole" fields.

The Player can be associated with a Real Golf Scorecard user account. When you later add that Player to a Round, this association will allow that user to also enter scores for the Round on the Scorecard.

Note: If a username does not appear in the list of users to associate with a Player, it is probably because the user did not check the box on the Register page to allow their account to be shown in user lists. If the box was not checked when Registering, this box can be checked on the Update Account page, which can be accessed by clicking your user name in the menu.