Register Info

1. Register page

To get started with Real Golf Scorecard, create a free user account by clicking the "Register" button in the menu.

On the Register page, you'll just need to enter a Username, an email address, and a password. The First Name and Last Name are optional.

2. Confirmation Email Sent

When you click the "Register" button on the Register page, we will send a confirmation email to you, at the email address you enter in the Email field.

3. Confirmation Email Received

Check your email for a message sent from [email protected], with a subject of 'Confirm your Real Golf Scorecard account'. It may take a minute or two for the email to be delivered.

When you receive the confirmation email, you'll just need to click the link in the email.

4. Return to Real Golf Scorecard

When you click the link in the email, will be automatically opened in your default browser, and your registration will be automatically confirmed.

You will then be able to login with your new account, by clicking the "Click here to Log in" link on the Confirm Email page, or the Login button in the menu.